Themed Learning Week | Day 2

“Climb the mountain, not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.” – David McCullough The World was our theme for Day 2 this week! We kicked off our time by reading an oldie but goodie “I Am Human.” We love adding this book into our rotation from time toContinue reading “Themed Learning Week | Day 2”

Themed Learning Week | Day 1

In the last few weeks I’ve been squeezing in some learning time during the day. Not too much where they feel like it’s “school” but just enough to get some practice in before school starts. They’ve been doing some workbook pages, iPad learning games and having some solo reading time daily. This week I decidedContinue reading “Themed Learning Week | Day 1”

A Karate Win

Yesterday was big! ‘J’ knows it and we know it. If you’ve read this blog before, you know that ‘J’ has had struggles going into school and going to swim lessons. He got through them both, but it was difficult. Before the pandemic, we had attempted a Ninja Warrior class at the same place weContinue reading “A Karate Win”

Disney’s Disability Access Service Card

Back in 2018, I wrote about visiting Disney World with Sensory Processing difficulties. If you’d like to check out that blog, click here. We just recently returned from a trip to Walt Disney World. As mentioned in that June 2018 blog, I knew that the Disability Access Service Card existed. For this trip, we decidedContinue reading “Disney’s Disability Access Service Card”

School May Not Look Like You Imagined: Part 4

A Pandemic In this series, I’ve talked a lot about J in Kindergarten. There was something else that happened that year which affected all of us: Covid. In the days leading up to March 13th, we started hearing about some local schools closing as Covid cases were rising. We wondered if our school would followContinue reading “School May Not Look Like You Imagined: Part 4”

School May Not Look Like You Imagined: Part 2

Holiday Assemblies I hate attention. I say this as someone who co-hosts two podcasts and does YouTube Lives. Guess you could say I’m a bit of an introvert/extrovert. When I was in school, I never liked public speaking, performing in a play, answering questions just in case I was wrong even when I knew IContinue reading “School May Not Look Like You Imagined: Part 2”

School May Not Look Like You Imagined: Part 1

The First Day of School During my blog hiatus, I thought about a lot of different posts I wanted to do and this was one of them. ā€˜Jā€™ is coming up on finishing 1st grade. <Excuse me while I go cry.> When starting Kindergarten last year, ā€˜Jā€™ was so nervous. While most kids were posingContinue reading “School May Not Look Like You Imagined: Part 1”

Let’s Go to CAMP!

Before we start, there’s no need to pack your tent, sleeping bags or s’mores ingredients, because I’m referring to a different kind of Camp. On second thought, you should never not pack s’mores ingredients. Camp, a family experience company, currently has five locations in three states: New York, Connecticut and Texas. Each location is basedContinue reading “Let’s Go to CAMP!”

Happy Earth Day!

Picture it: 5 AM in my house (said in my Sophia Petrillo voice): ‘J’ wakes up, comes into our room and excitedly whispers IT’S EARTH DAY IT’S EARTH DAY! Do I love how into Earth Day he is? YES Do I love how he wants to learn more about helping the environment? YES Do IContinue reading “Happy Earth Day!”

Magical Mommy Monday Meets Sensory Spectacle

If you’ve checked out my previous blogs, then you saw a series written by Becky Lyddon, founder of Sensory Spectacle. Fun fact: I host two podcasts! One is Theme Park Thursday with Dillo’s Diz, with my brother, where we focus on Disney nostalgia. The other is Magical Mommy Monday with my friend, Angela Dahlgren. Ok,Continue reading “Magical Mommy Monday Meets Sensory Spectacle”