Visit Santa Online

During the 2020 Holiday Season, I got to interview the one and only Santa Clause on the Dillo’s Diz Podcast. With still so much uncertainty surrounding us, it was a comfort to be speaking with someone so magical. Aside from the huge honor of interviewing him, we were also chatting about, where families couldContinue reading “Visit Santa Online”

Why Is Christmas So Overwhelming?

For the past few (or more) years, we have always known the Holidays are pretty overwhelming for ‘J.’ Typically the month leading up to Christmas (and his Birthday) prove to be a challenge. In years past, that has been expressed through tears, extreme frustration, attitude, being on edge, acting out of character, etc. In November,Continue reading “Why Is Christmas So Overwhelming?”

School May Not Look Like You Imagined: Part 2

Holiday Assemblies I hate attention. I say this as someone who co-hosts two podcasts and does YouTube Lives. Guess you could say I’m a bit of an introvert/extrovert. When I was in school, I never liked public speaking, performing in a play, answering questions just in case I was wrong even when I knew IContinue reading “School May Not Look Like You Imagined: Part 2”