Visit Santa Online

During the 2020 Holiday Season, I got to interview the one and only Santa Clause on the Dillo’s Diz Podcast. With still so much uncertainty surrounding us, it was a comfort to be speaking with someone so magical. Aside from the huge honor of interviewing him, we were also chatting about, where families couldContinue reading “Visit Santa Online”

Holidays and Sensory Processing

Holidays can be a stressful time for all of us. Some of that stress is fun and exciting, but for some people it can be completely overwhelming. Last year, I wrote about how my son asked the question “why is Christmas so overwhelming?” You can read that blog by clicking here. Feeling comfortable and happyContinue reading “Holidays and Sensory Processing”

Attention Sensory Processing Community

October is #SensoryProcessingAwarenessMonth! If you have a website, blog, YouTube channel, podcast, store or you provide a service to the community and would like to be featured on my blog, email me at:!

Star Institute

For the last few days I have been directing you to a variety of links to the Star Institute website. There are so many great resources out there and I need to to be showing them more love! For the final day of this series, I just want to direct you to the entire site.Continue reading “Star Institute”

The Crocs Results I Wasn’t Expecting

Believe it or not, this summer is our first experience with Crocs. My 6 year old really wanted them and while shopping around for them, my 9 year old decided he wanted them too. They each found a pair they liked and put them on in the car. My 9 year old had a senseContinue reading “The Crocs Results I Wasn’t Expecting”

I Love The Love For Reading

If you follow my @justmymomsense Instagram, then you have definitely seen some our library hauls. Each of my kids got their first library card at around 6 months old. Our library is so awesome. They offer classes from the baby stage all the way up to classes for adults. Their children’s book section is extensiveContinue reading “I Love The Love For Reading”

Why Is Christmas So Overwhelming?

For the past few (or more) years, we have always known the Holidays are pretty overwhelming for ‘J.’ Typically the month leading up to Christmas (and his Birthday) prove to be a challenge. In years past, that has been expressed through tears, extreme frustration, attitude, being on edge, acting out of character, etc. In November,Continue reading “Why Is Christmas So Overwhelming?”

Jump Around!

What is the Vestibular Sense? The vestibular system contributes to balance and orientation in space. It is the leading system informing us about movement and position of head relative to gravity. – There are times ‘J’ will jump on his bed at the end of the day. My immediate go-to is to stop himContinue reading “Jump Around!”

Amazon Prime Early Access for Sensory Items

There are so many benefits to sensory items! They can help calm a child, regulate emotions, focus, enhance fine motor skills, improve language skills and so much more. Amazon is currently running a Prime Early Access promotion today, October 11th and tomorrow, October 12th. Although the links below are affiliate links, they are products (orContinue reading “Amazon Prime Early Access for Sensory Items”