30 Day Writing Challenge | Day 13 Update

I have a confession to make. I have missed one day of my writing challenge. That day, was yesterday. On Thursday, I went away for a few days and made sure to schedule blogs so I didn’t miss anything. Only to come home Sunday and then needing Monday to recover. I have decided that IContinue reading “30 Day Writing Challenge | Day 13 Update”

Why Do You Blog?

Today is Day 4 of my 30 Day Writing Challenge. My blog is hosted by WordPress and on the home page I saw this writing prompt: Why Do You Blog? In life and especially in parenthood, you never know what kind of twists and turns there will be. Twists and turns I’ve experienced with myContinue reading “Why Do You Blog?”

Day 1 | 30 Day Writing Challenge

Today is August 31, 2023 and I am about to start a 30 Day Writing Challenge. Wouldn’t it make more sense to start on September 1? Yes! BUT I am giving myself the advice that I would give someone else: Just Start! Time has flown by in the last 9 years of being a momContinue reading “Day 1 | 30 Day Writing Challenge”